The Sabbath school is the heart of the church and as the heart of the church it makes many of us come to Jesus and change our ways daily and weekly in support more and more of Christ like life. The Sabbath school makes us see the church in a world vision through the mission stories and other evangelical programs.

We aim at using our Sabbath school department as a vehicle through which we will pull many to our savior Jesus Christ. The sweetness of the Sabbath school is based on how all of us take part, as teachers of children and youth and adults classes.

Our superintendents are a praying team who work tirelessly to bring harmony in the programs and have the interest of membership at heart. Feel free please to attend our Sabbath school classes and morning program when you will feel the spirit of Sabbath school. We will be happy to meet with you.

Our Adult Sabbath School begins at 9:30 a.m. each week and ends at 10:45 a.m. The program consists of special features or mission story, comments by the Sabbath School superintendent, and a Bible-based lesson study.

Adult Sabbath School


Adult Sabbath School Classes

Our Adult Sabbath School begins at 9:30 a.m. each week and ends at 10:45 a.m. The program consists of special features or mission story, comments by the Sabbath School superintendent, and a Bible-based lesson study.

The Sabbath school quarterly provides basic material for weekly study, where important biblical themes are addressed. Topics change four times a year (divided into 13-week blocks).

Download: Student Lessons and Teacher's guides

Juniors/Teens and Youth Sabbath School


Lesson resources for ages 13-18 to help them learn how to study the Bible for themselves and how to build their own relationship with Jesus

Student Lessons guides

Children Sabbath School


Student Lessons and Teacher's guides