The rich heritage of music has been recorded for us from ancient times. Both voices and instruments were used to express the full range of human emotion. Even the brief glimpses we have of what takes place in the heavenly courts often includes a description of the music there.
"The history of the songs of the Bible is full of suggestions as to the uses and benefits of music and song . . . As our Redeemer leads us to the threshold of the Infinite, flushed with the glory of God, we may catch the themes of praise and thanksgiving from the heavenly choir round about the throne; and as the echo of the angels' song is awakened in our earthly homes, hearts will be drawn closer to the heavenly singers. Heaven's communion begins on earth. We learn here the keynote of its praise." Ellen G. White, Education, pages 167, 168
The title minister of music focuses on the very purpose of the church music. It is the Body of Christ using the vehicle of music in experiences that are spiritual in nature and God-directed in focus, thus ministering to the needs of the people as a result.
The minister of music plans and administers the total music program of the church. Spiritual and musical maturity are both essential to assist in decisions relating to policy matters, program development and budgeting. In the interpersonal relationships between the minister of music and the participants in the music program, opportunities exist for spiritual counseling that require similar understandings to those common to clergy.
Choir directors, church musicians and instrumentalists, choristers, rehearsal schedules, and the scheduling of music for special meetings, are your responsibility, as well as the identification, and training and development of talent, and literature selection.
Announcement→ Our Praise team is in need of a volunteer drummer please contact praise leader for more info.